
What does an Audio Describer do?

An Audio Describer portrays in detail what happens on the screen or on stage for the blind or visually impaired so they can enjoy audio-visual shows, live performances or events. They produce audio description scripts for programmes and events and use their voice to record them. 

What are the main responsibilities of an Audio Describer?

  • Study roles from scripts 
  • Attend events and shows with the individual you are describing for
  • Record different types of audiovisual products and their requirements, such as documents, television series and CDs 

What qualifications do I need to be an Audio Describer?

You will need to complete formal training to be an Audio Describer which may or may not result in a formal qualification. However a number of other qualifications will definitely assist in your ability to complete the duties asked of this role. For example, English and Voice work for pronunciation. 

What skills do I need to be an Audio Describer?

  • Social
  • Knowledge of types of media - must be able to translate from a number of communications such as television, journals and radio to reach the person they are describing for
  • Communication 
  • Attention to detail
  • Pronunciation techniques - must be able to pronounce words correctly for them to be understood
  • Synchronisation with mouth movements
  • Punctuality - if you’re describing a theatre show you must be on time
  • Descriptive

What does a career as an Audio Describer look like?

You must be able to be a good communicator. For example, if you’re describing a production such as Macbeth, you must be able to explain in detail what the Actors who play the witches are wearing, the facial expressions they are using and the way they move around the space. With the appropriate training you will be able to ensure you are able to provide an individual with enough description, detail and support in their day-to-day life. 


Photo: Shutterstock

Published: 5 December 2019

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