
What is the backstage staff structure in theatre like?

The staff structure of a theatre can be different depending on the size.

In larger theatres, there will be many roles in each department as it tends to be a bigger building and so takes more staff to make productions happen and run the theatre. A large theatre will have many salaried staff members and some freelance, temporary people working there too.

Smaller theatres will probably have a small team of permanent staff and temporary, freelance people working with them. Also, in a smaller theatre, some roles may be combined. For example, in a small theatre the Technical Director may also be the Production Director.

However, the same basic staff structure can mostly be applied to all theatres. The below organisation chart is a typical staff structure for a medium-sized theatre.

For more information on the many jobs in theatre check out our blog post on the complete list of jobs in the theatre industry.

If you want to know more about backstage, technical and offstage roles in theatre, these blog posts explain the different jobs in more detail:

Photo: Alex-Brenner

Published: 21 May 2021

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