START is the Lyric Hammersmith Theatre's free 6 week programme for young people aged 16 to 25, who live in West London, who are not currently in education, employment, or training.

START provides a space for you to creatively explore the world of performance, working over six weeks to create a new piece of theatre that responds to the themes of a Lyric Main House production, led by theatre professionals. Through engaging with drama activities, skill sharing, and watching live performances, our START cohort will build on their self-confidence, collaboration skills, emotional resilience, and self-esteem. Through this, the cohort will cultivate a group ethic of inclusivity, accessibility, encouragement, respect and affirmation. This project is underpinned by a Bronze Arts Award accreditation.

‘START let me explore my interests without anyone judging me, I just tried everything! It was so validating to just be myself, how I want to be. START was like making a family- now I feel like I can do anything.’ – Participant, 2024

What is START?

Develop key finance skills in this exciting 12-month internship at an iconic dance institution!

The trainee role will work across all areas of the finance team to develop an understanding of the finance function. The trainee will be supported to develop the ability to process and understand financial transactions, maintain financial records, analyse and present data and develop finance reconciliation skills.

This trainee position supports the Finance Supervisor in managing income and expenditure workflows for The Place, ensuring timely processing, payments, and reconciliations according to agreed processes and service levels. The trainee also assists the Chief Financial Officer, Finance Business Partner and other business areas with data reporting and analysis as needed.

Training will be provided to ensure that the trainee is able to complete the work independently within a timely manner and develop finance skills in order to progress towards a finance qualification.

Applications for the 2025/26 programme are now open!

The London Library Emerging Writers Programme, now entering its seventh year, is a unique opportunity which offers writers, in all genres and disciplines, one year’s free membership of The London Library and includes writing development masterclasses, networking opportunities, peer support, access to and guidance in using all the Library’s resources and publication in the cohort anthology. With its rich cultural heritage, extensive open access book collection, dedicated writing spaces and its diverse community of established writers, the benefits of Library membership are invaluable.

Applications are open until 11am on Wednesday 26 February 2025.

There is no application fee and participation on the Programme is funded.

The Programme runs from 1 July 2025 to 30 June 2026.

Two bursary funds are available to support members of the cohort who may face financial, health, or any other barriers that would prevent them fully accessing the Programme. The Emerging Writers Programme Access Bursary helps support those participants most in need and the Virago Participation Bursary has been generously funded by Virago Press to support Black women and Black writers from under-represented genders.

Free space to share film and digital projects.

Applications for Delivision are accepted on a rolling basis throughout the year.

Theatre Deli is inviting artists to project work onto the screen in the communal area of their Leadenhall Street venue. This is an unpaid opportunity, offering artists a platform to share their work with other creatives.

Your work can be on any theme or subject.

See our Accessibility Guide for information about access in our venue. 

We particularly welcome applications from marginalised and underrepresented groups. We welcome applications from artists based in the UK and abroad.

Where do you start when you are looking for a career in the theatre industry? It’s challenging getting a job in any industry and the competitive nature of the theatre industry is often seen as a barrier. If you follow our top 10 tips, you will definitely be in a better position to not only get a job in the theatre industry but also be a success in your chosen field. 

1. Goal-oriented approach

Having goals is something that will help you in the long run as it will give you something to work towards. But don’t forget, the journey to any career is never a straight, easy path - especially in theatre. There will be things that take you in all different directions and this is normal. As long as you don’t lose sight of what you want to gain and what you want your end goal to be, you will find the right career in theatre for you.


2. Research

Not everyone wants to study and that’s fine because that’s not the only way to begin your theatre career or be successful within the theatre industry. There are so many ways to do this so you must do your research to find out what these ways are. We’ve made it easy for you because we’ve put all this information in one place. It’s good to have a rough idea of what job role you would like to pursue within the theatre industry. If you’re not sure what job in theatre you are best suited to, don’t worry. Our handy blogs describing different jobs within theatre will help give you an insight to the many different roles available and what you need to do to get there. 

Take a look at our job descriptions here.


3. Experience

It will benefit you so much to have as much experience within your chosen area of theatre as possible, especially if you don’t want to study. If you don’t have a formal qualification (for example, a degree), having experience is what is going to make you stand out to potential employers when applying for jobs. Experience comes in many different forms but the three main forms are work experience, apprenticeships and internships. You can find information about all three of these experience opportunities here.


4. See as much theatre as you can

This is always a good suggestion because let’s face it, who doesn’t want to go to the theatre? Not only that but seeing a variety of different theatre shows will help you if you’re interested in a particular area of theatre e.g. if you’re interested in lighting you can take notes of lighting designs which peak your interest or are particularly inventive. Some theatre tickets can be a little expensive but don’t worry we’ve got that covered too. You can find a number of different ticket schemes where you can get discounted theatre tickets right here.


5. Social Media

This is the 21st century and almost everything is on social media. Try and be as active as you can without becoming anti-social. It’s a great tool to keep up-to-date with industry news, shows and upcoming theatremakers. It may sound obvious but never post any offensive or discriminating posts on any of your social media channels. Some employers like to view their employees social media pages and you don’t want something inappropriate to pop up that you wrote 10 years ago! 


6. Network

This can be daunting but once you get into the flow of it, it can be really fun and so invaluable to you in the future. You should network every chance you get and this doesn’t always have to be at a networking event; it may be a fellow Performer you met at an audition or your best friends cousin who is the Head of Lighting behind Wicked the musical. There are also loads of networking events available for young theatremakers which you can find here.


7. Positive attitude

It may be difficult at times to remain positive when starting out in a new career in theatre but it is really important to approach everything with positivity, especially when you’re going for interviews/auditions. If you’re an Actor auditioning can be constant throughout your career and you must always go into your auditions thinking that anything is possible. This is the same with any interviews for offstage roles too. If you go in with a negative attitude it will only go downhill from there.


8. Accepting responsibility

When you’re new in the industry (even when you are more established) you’re likely to make mistakes. Of course you are, you’re only human and this is totally natural. Accept you have made a mistake but always make sure you have learnt from the experience and then move on to the next thing. There is no need to lose sleep over a little mistake because this may affect your ability to complete other tasks and could lead you to make more mistakes. Accept it, learn from it and move on to the next thing.  


9. Aim small (but not for long) 

When you’re at the very beginning of your career in theatre, it’s wise to be realistic about what you want to achieve as well as what you are able to achieve. If you begin with an unrealistic goal it is unlikely you will get there at the beginning of your career and this can knock your confidence. Remember, every little step counts and these things take time.   


10. Fringe Theatre

Fringe Theatres and Festivals are a popular way to get a new piece of theatre noticed and produced. It can also be a great way to kick start your theatre career.  Fringe venues are all over the country and features every type of theatre you can imagine. Most shows are brand new that no one has ever seen before. One of the more well-known fringe festivals is Edinburgh Fringe. The TV show Fleabag started as a one woman show at the Festival. It was later adapted into an internationally famous award-winning TV show that we all know. Fringe theatre is a great opportunity to learn, get tips and ideas on theatre, performance, comedy and more, the sky's the limit. Remember to always make sure you are paid fairly when working on the fringe. 



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