Continue your development as you explore a range of exercises and acting techniques that will illuminate and enliven a variety of scripts and scenes. Consolidate techniques and deepen your understanding in a safe and supportive atmosphere.
What is the course about?
These lively practical sessions are designed for those who want to extend their abilities and skills in acting. You will work on a range of acting exercises to improve your spontaneity, presence and ability to act truthfully in the moment. You will learn the fundamentals of stage craft, how to build character and begin to explore and use solid techniques to unlock the text. Your work will culminate in the rehearsal and in class presentation of a scene 'off book' in the final session.
What will we cover?
• Warm ups
• Group exercises
• Character work
• Text analysis work
• Scene Rehearsal and performance.
Please note that acting classes by their very nature can involve exercises and the exploration of material that some students may find challenging.
What will I achieve?
By the end of this course you should be able to...
• Perform a physical and vocal warm-up.
• Explore and analyse text confidently
• Develop character
• Perform in a scene from a play with confidence.