Experience Opportunity

Comedy Acting - Level 1

Exploring a range of comic concepts, techniques and strategies, Our Comedy Acting Classes - Level 1 will see you create solo and ensemble comedy performances in a fun and supportive environment. This course is open to everyone, but if you are new to comedy acting, we recommend completing our one day comedy acting course first.

Throughout the course you will learn to create a stronger comedy connection with the audience, and you will look at heightened response, timely reactions and effective listening.

You will also be working with a variety of comedy scripts and scenarios, which you will bring to life. There will be an opportunity for some solo work, looking at comic monologues. As part of this you will develop your own comedy character, through improvisation and play.

Over the duration of the course you will:

- Find the truth in comedy characters and situations
- Learn to channel nerves in a positive way
- Explore the ‘Rule of Three’ in physical comedy and text
- Learn the importance of rhythm in text
- Investigate and nurture the characteristics that make you funny
- Explore behaviour and characteristics of key comedy character archetypes
- Develop more freedom in your body, voice, movement and gesture
- Work on scenes and scenarios in physical comedy, sitcom and sketch
- Rehearse and perform a solo comedy performance in front of others

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