If you want to receive the high-quality education of our Degree program, but you aren’t necessarily interested in earning an accredited qualification then look no further than our Vocational Course.
In an intensive training experience, you will have the chance to study a wide range of disciplines and styles. This includes circus, physical theatre, movement, and creativity & devising with opportunities to develop performance skills for a range of different settings and audiences. You may also explore the various cultural, historical, and social contexts of circus and physical theatre.
The Vocational Course is a self-funded and non-accredited version of our Degree programme available to anyone over the age of 18. You will study alongside Degree students attending all the same classes – you just don’t have to submit the academic written work. The course aims to develop you as a well-rounded performer, giving you the opportunity to practice a range of circus disciplines. As a result, our focus is on breadth rather than encouraging you to specialise. You’ll also learn about the technical, practical and logistical elements of life as a professional circus performer, including managing and promoting your own work.
The Vocational Course can be done as a short course of three months (September – December, the first term of the FDA) or for a full year. It is possible to shadow all three years of the Degree programme as a Vocational student if you wish. Most Vocational students will begin in the first year working alongside Year 1 FDA students, however it is possible to go straight into the second year if you have a higher level of skill and experience. This option can be discussed at audition.
To apply for the Vocational Course you’ll need to demonstrate that you have the self-discipline to pursue a tough physical training regime and show prior experience in circus, dance, gymnastics, parkour/extreme sports or theatre. Beyond that, we are looking for creative and enthusiastic people willing to take risks, push themselves and be open to trying new things.
3-month short course: £3,000
Vocational course: £9,000 per year
A discount of 15% will be applied to any student who continues to a second or third year after completing one full year as a Vocational student.
Students on the one-year course are required to pay an additional annual Course Expenses fee of £100. Students on the short course pay a reduced fee of £60.
Please note that since these are private, unaccredited courses, Student Finance England (or similar) will not provide a loan for tuition fees or maintenance.