Training Opportunity

Acting Foundation Course

The Acting Foundation Course provides a rigorous and in-depth training that will give you the skills, techniques and confidence invaluable either as a preparation for further vocational training, higher education (Degree or MA/MFA) or for a career in the performing Arts.
Alongside weekly skills classes, you will have the opportunity of having a showreel and a filming project. Students on this course also have full time professional preparation week where you look at CV's and have the chance to practice a mock audition with professional directors and casting directors.
The course is designed to support your development as an actor in training, auditioning and future practice in a way that is rigorous and professional.
We offer one free scholarship via The Stage (to cover course fee of £9,000) for our Sidcup Course and two £3,000 bursaries are available for our courses in Belfast, Brighton and Edinburgh (course fee £6,500).

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