Mountview’s vocational, hands-on courses in sound have seen graduates go on to be production sound engineers and sound designers in the West End, across the UK and internationally.
What sets Mountview apart from other drama schools is that you get vast experience working on musicals, mixing sound for West End-size casts.
We offer three training levels: a two-year Foundation Degree (FdA) which provides a fast-track training and a three-year BA (Hons) with greater experience and the possibility of design roles. For students with previous experience who are looking to formalise their skills and develop industry contacts we also offers a one-year Diploma specialising in sound.
Our practical training runs over 30 hours per week, 36 weeks per year. You’ll begin with workshops covering core skills in all areas of production arts before moving quickly on to practical show roles.
Strong emphasis is placed on learning through practice. There is continuous assessment of coursework and practical show roles throughout. All modules are compulsory.
Students gain first-hand experience of working alongside industry professionals including sound designers, engineers, radio mic fitters and programmers.
Hands-on training with contemporary sound equipment
Studio skills including recording and editing technology and techniques
Understanding and designing sound systems
Rigging and balancing sound systems
Prepping, fitting and monitoring radio mic systems
Programming and mixing industry standard sound desks on plays and musicals
Networking, soldering and other skills needed by the modern production professional
Sound design for plays and musicals (BA only)