Training Opportunity

BSc (Hons) Sound Engineering and Production with Professional Experience

Sound Engineering and Production explores a variety of practical applications for sound including radio, TV, music recording, live sound, gaming audio and VR.

Building a strong understanding of audio systems, studio recording and live sound in year one, you will progress to explore topics such as audio installations and sound design in year two. By your final year, you’ll study more advanced modules in specialist areas alongside completing a project based on a real-world issue.

With our strong industry connections and links surrounding Greater Manchester, you’ll have plenty of opportunities to gain practical experience and network with industry experts on live music scenes at venues, clubs, and bars.

At Salford, we want you to learn from expert tutors using world-class facilities, so our rich and varied curriculum provides you with access to multi-million-pound standard software Pro Tool enabled studios, TV and video suites and digital media performance labs. This degree embeds theoretical knowledge with creative application to help you capture the best audio possible and deliver an exceptional listener experience.

More importantly, collaboration is core to our values, so you’ll experience small group teaching which ensures that you learn in practical environments around campus. This engaging teaching equips you with professional knowledge and skills to deliver audio at the highest standard, so you are ready for working life after you graduate.

On this course, you will have the option to take an industry placement year between years two and three. Although you will be responsible for securing your placement, our tutors will support you in finding a role, and monitor your progress throughout.

Industry placements are an excellent way to enhance your CV, gain hands-on work experience and build industry connections. We often find that placement students achieve higher final year grades.

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