Training Opportunity

Level 2 Acting & Drama

The two-term L2 Certificate in Acting & Drama focuses on the further development of performance skills. You will work on technique and creative processes for oral storytelling, audition monologues and a scene from a modern play. This is an accredited course, meaning upon successful completion you will gain a L2 Certificate in Performance Skills. The course runs on-site all-day Wednesday. You will be expected to do independent learning between weekly sessions.


Entry onto the course is via an initial assessment and interview with portfolio or samples of your work, if you have them. As there is a written element to the course, you will need to have evidence of a minimum of entry level 3 English, or higher. If you do not, then you may be asked to sit a short screening test during initial assessment / interview. The potential candidate must also be able to work independently and as part of a team and to give and receive criticism from others while working to deadlines. Typically, you may have completed our L1 Acting and Drama course or have equivalent practical and academic experience.

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