Training Opportunity

Level 3 Diploma in Performing & Production Arts (Make-up Pathway)

This advanced specialist course is for artistic students who wish to work as a hair and make-up artist within the TV, film, theatre or fashion industries.

Your study programme will cover the following units: 

  • Make-up for performers (TV, film and fashion)
  • Airbrushing (face and body)
  • Special effects make-up
  • Prosthetic application
  • Body painting
  • Character design and application methods
  • Period make-up design and application
  • Period hair design and styling
  • Hair styling and dressing for performers
  • Theatrical make-up and hair styling
  • Fantasy hair design and styling
  • Wig making, maintenance and styling
  • Production arts workshops to support in performance
  • Production for theatre performance.

You will develop creative sketchbook work which will be presented on your own online blog which can then be used as your professional portfolio on completion of the course. The blog will demonstrate your research and design process as part of your assessments; written assignments also form a portion of this qualification, as well as practical assessments and regular self-assessment and evaluation.

You will also be required to purchase the hair and make-up kit that supports your study using professional brands and products currently used in industry (Kryolan). You will be required to take part in a range of work experience placements and off-site trips related to your course.

School Leavers under the age of 19 do not have to pay fees on any full time courses, though may have to pay for their second year if turning 19 during their studies.

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