Training Opportunity

MA Acting for Stage, Screen & Radio

- Practical studio and rehearsal-based training in professional working conditions
- Small class sizes
- Established teaching team made up of experienced theatre professionals
- Regular opportunities to work with visiting actors and directors
- Core acting skills workshops exploring approaches to working with texts, building a character, improvisation and performing Shakespeare
- Vocal skills classes focusing on effective physical techniques for performance as well as vocal physiology, dialect and accents
- Specialist classes in singing technique, repertoire and musical theatre performance
- Movement skills classes including Alexander Technique and stage combat
- Training in the specialist techniques and requirements of acting for screen
- Roles in public performances selected from a wide and challenging repertoire
- Practical workshops to prepare students for professional auditions for theatre and TV
- Mentoring and support in the initiation, production and performance of an original piece of work
- London Performance Week
- Showcase presentations to an invited audience of agents, casting directors and potential employers in Cardiff, London and New York (for American students)

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