Training Opportunity

Musicology MMus

The MMus in Musicology allows you to develop specialised skills in researching and writing about music, and to pursue, in greater depth, an area of special research interest.  

There is considerable scope to tailor the programme to suit your own research interests. In addition to the compulsory courses, students choose two courses from a range of options that changes each year. A further, free elective allows you to choose one course from a very large number of options across the whole university, allowing you the added perspective offered by disciplines outside of musicology, or to study a further course in Music. In addition to the final dissertation, students also devise and undertake a smaller research project in the earlier part of the programme. 

The MMus in Musicology provides an excellent foundation for further postgraduate work, and many of our students have gone on to work in academia.

Recent graduates have also established successful careers in performance, journalism, arts administration, music education, and librarianship.

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