Training Opportunity

Theatre, Film & TV Technician Course

One or Two Year Theatre, Film & TV Technician Course (Incorporating HNC in Technical Theatre / HND Technical Theatre and Production Arts)

  • Imagine spending one or two years getting highly skilled to work in the technical world of theatre and film
  • Imagine leaving Scotland’s best independent drama school and being highly employable in an industry with significant shortages in skilled people
  • Imagine being treated like a professional from Day 1. 
  • Imagine intensively working on highly practical real theatre and film projects instead of just learning theory
  • Imagine having Tutors who work professionally in Film and Theatre teach you the technical skills you really need to become employable - straight from graduation. 
  • Imagine developing your unique skills in a professional environment. 
  • Imagine maximising your creative and production skills with access to all the best equipment.
  • Imagine finally following your dreams to work in Film, Theatre and TV
  • Imagine preparing for your future career in technical film and theatre at Acting Coach Scotland.

There are very few places in Scotland when you can study technical theatre and film and television production arts, but we can go much further than that.

Our course is focused on a FULL TIME - 5 days a Week course, to develop real practical skills, knowledge and experience in Theatre, Film and Television. 

With our expertise and your commitment, determination and hard graft, that's the goal - to get you WORKING in one of the most exciting and creative industries in the world.

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