The Oxford School of Drama (OSD) is a small, independent school situated in a unique, rural location on the outskirts of Woodstock, near Oxford. The School has an outstanding record for the delivery of high-quality, vocational training for talented students who are committed to forging careers as actors.

Our One Year Course in Acting is validated by Trinity College London as degree equivalent, Level 5 in the Government’s National Qualification Framework. With one of the lowest intakes of any accredited school, a maximum of only 19 students are accepted on the course. The training is therefore very much student-centred, giving time for individual attention.

The School has a small team of committed and specialist tutors who combine teaching with their own professional work. They are rigorous and exacting and are dedicated to enabling you to achieve success. Our teaching is driven by the needs of the industry and the emphasis is entirely on essential, practical work, with 35 hours of contact time per week.

The One Year Course is for high achievers who already have some film and theatre experience, are knowledgeable about the industry and are determined to succeed.

Core classes in film and television, microphone technique, singing, voice, movement and professional development run alongside acting classes. Throughout the course you will have contact with, and feedback from, people working in the industry including Casting Directors, Agents and graduates.

The course concludes with a season in London. Although the location of the School in the beautiful Oxfordshire countryside allows you to fully focus on your training and develop your craft without the noise and distractions of a big city, it is best to start your career in the capital. During this extended final term, you will have workshops with casting directors, rehearse for your production at Soho Theatre and take part in the Showcase for casting directors and agents.

We work hard to ensure that applicants who are offered a place on the One Year Course can access financial support to enable them to train at the School. The School is part of the Government’s Dance and Drama Award Scheme which provides grants for exceptionally talented people who wish to pursue a career as an actor; over 70% of our students receive government funding.

The School has a consistently excellent graduate employment record; 95% of our graduates are in employment in the industry within 6 months of completing the course.

Entry is by audition only; there are no academic requirements.

Graduates of the One Year Course include:

Ella Bruccoleri – Sister Frances in the BBC’s Call The Midwife
Freddy Carter - Pin in Netflix’s Free Reign
Babou Ceesay - 2017 Best Actor nominee for Damilola Our Loved Boy and Marcus in Sky’s Guerrilla
Claire Foy - Queen Elizabeth II in Netflix’s The Crown Emmy and Golden Globe Award winner, lead in Lungs at The Old Vic
Richard Gadd - Winner of Edinburgh Comedy Award
Andrew Gower – Regular in Prime Video’s Comedy Row
Catherine McCormack - Claire in TV’s Women on the Verge
Jude Owusu - lead in the RSC’s Tamburlaine
Tanya Reynolds – Lead in Netflix’s Sex Education
Kiran Sonia Sawar - 2018 BAFTA Scotland nominee for Best Actress in Netflix's Black Mirror

The Oxford School of Drama (OSD) is a small, independent school situated in a unique, rural location on the outskirts of Woodstock, near Oxford. The School has an outstanding record for the delivery of high-quality, vocational training for talented students who are committed to forging careers as actors.

Our Three Year Course in Acting is validated by Trinity College London as degree equivalent, Level 6 in the Government’s National Qualification Framework. With one of the lowest intakes of any accredited school, we accept a maximum of only 19 students on the course. The training is therefore very much student-centred, giving time for individual attention.

The School has a small team of committed and specialist tutors who combine teaching with their own professional work. They are rigorous and exacting and are dedicated to enabling you to achieve success. Our teaching is driven by the needs of the industry and the emphasis is entirely on essential, practical work, with 35 hours of contact time per week.

The Three Year Course is a demanding course based on the traditional values of classical acting, adapted to suit the needs of contemporary media. It aims to develop your skills in acting, voice and movement to equip you for a career in film, television and theatre and provide you with the techniques and expertise you need to become a dynamic and courageous actor.

The course concludes with a season in London. Although the location of the School in the beautiful Oxfordshire countryside allows you to fully focus on your training and develop your craft without the noise and distractions of a big city, it is best to start your career in the capital. The final term in London enables you to become fully involved in the profession, whilst still having the support of the School. Rehearsals for public productions, masterclasses, individual auditions and special projects are organised to help you grasp the exciting possibilities on offer.

We work hard to ensure that applicants who are offered a place on the Three Year Course can access financial support to enable them to train at the School. The School is part of the Government’s Dance and Drama Award Scheme which provides grants for exceptionally talented people who wish to pursue a career as an actor; over 70% of our students receive government funding.

The School has a consistently excellent graduate employment record; 95% of our graduates are in employment in the industry within 6 months of completing the course.

95% of our graduates are in employment in the industry within 6 months of graduating.

Entry is by audition only; there are no academic requirements.

Graduates of the Three Year Course include:

Cassie Bradley - Natalie in ITV's Coronation Street
Sophie Cookson – lead in feature film Red Joan, Roxy in Kingsman: The Secret Service
Nell Hudson - Nancy Skerrett in ITV’s Victoria and Charlotte Humphreys in the BBC’s Informer
Dipo Ola – Kellerman in Channel 4’s Baghdad Central
Charity Wakefield - Leah Walker in Sky’s Bounty Hunters

Course Awards Offered:
Level 3 RAD Discovering Repertoire
Level 4 RAD Discovering Repertoire
Level 3 IDTA Theatre Craft and Tap
Level 4 IDTA Diploma in Dance Teaching
Level 6 LTCL Trinity College London Performance Diploma
Level 6 LTCL Trinity College London Teaching Diploma

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