Our Graduate Diploma Programme is ideal for instrumentalists, vocalists and composers who have gained a degree and want to deepen their skills before undertaking postgraduate study.

During the programme you will hone your skills as an artist through one‑to-one Principal Study lessons, group tuition and experience playing as a soloist and in ensembles. We will encourage you to develop skills for lifelong learning by building working relationships with other students.

This is a graduate programme aimed at students considering entry to postgraduate study at a conservatoire or university who do not currently meet the required standard. The programme enhances musicianship skills to bring students to the level needed to enter a postgraduate music degree.

We also offer an International Graduate Diploma in Music and English for international students who wish to improve their English language skills alongside their musicianship skills. You can find out more on the International Graduate Diploma: Music and English course page.

The programme is block delivered and there are several entry points throughout the year. You will study the modules below in a sequence dependent on your start date.

The course is delivered in four blocks of intensive study periods. For each block, you study a single module for a six-week period. Teaching is delivered for six hours each week (at present, this is made up of three hours face to face teaching + three hours online lectures). In addition, you will attend the taught element of the Industry Collaboration Project each Wednesday afternoon during the six-week blocks. During this time, you will also undertake independent study in your own time with online support through the University’s virtual learning environment, Blackboard.

The Industry Collaboration Project (ICP) module accounts for the final 60 credits of your degree. You will have the opportunity to select between a placement, internship or dissertation, all of which are designed to accommodate your career aspirations and enhance your professional experience. You can choose to work with your own or another organisation on a live brief.

You will be allocated a supervisor who will mentor you through the ICP. You will also have the opportunity to engage with the Student Hub and askUK. askUK can help with pre project/placement support for students and opportunities for those going on placement to participate in training workshops to ensure best practice. You are responsible for finding your internship, placement or live project but the Student Hub can help you.

Part time students study alternate modules (one module on, one module off) to complete their degree in two years.

The programme is block delivered and there are several entry points throughout the year. You will study the modules below in a sequence dependent on your start date.

The course is delivered in four blocks of intensive study periods. For each block, you study a single module for a six-week period. Teaching is delivered for six hours each week (at present, this is made up of three hours face to face teaching + three hours online lectures). In addition, you will attend lectures to support you as you prepare for your Paid Industry Placement or Industry Collaboration Project (depending on which you choose). During this time, you will also undertake independent study in your own time with online support through the University of Salford’s virtual learning environment, Blackboard.

Part time students study alternate modules (one module on, one module off) to complete their degree in two years.

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